Monday, August 18, 2008

Day Four in Pictures

It got hot during our hike, speaking of hot, here's handsome Paulie.
I guess we weren't the only ones bickering today. These guys entertained at a stopping point during hike up and around parts of Jenny Lake.

Jenny Lake viewed from point after hiking UP for a loooong time.

Hidden Falls behind beautiful Jenny Lake in the national park.

Paul isn't messing around... holstered and ready to rumble.

One of the snow-dusted peaks of the Tetons.

A couple of miles from the entrance to Grand Teton National Park.

Part of a gazillion antlers that form an archway into a park in Jackson.

Paul has made many new friends at our campground. They are "drawn" to him while his is painting. That's what he is doing in this pic - Manny in background.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Great pictures & I love your campsite! I'm still jealous!