Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Bye, bye Montana

It is day 12, 6:30 a.m. as I write this from Sheridan Wyoming... It was bittersweet saying goodbye to my folks yesterday, but we also are missing home (kids, dogs). We got to spend time with my brother Andy in Philipsburg, Mt., on the way. It's an historic mining town, great Main Street: we shopped and ate. Andy showed us his GIGANTIC compound really at the end of the town's main street (Broadway). In addition to a four apt. complex, his land continues up the hill where there is plenty room for Brenda's chickens and greenhouses and Andy's wood pile for the house's wood burning stove/forced air unit. Andy looked great and it was wonderful to meet his Brenda.

We don't know how far we will get today. We discovered yesterday we don't really care for night driving. I will be posting more pics later!! Gotta get going.


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